Bird Sketches By Zohra Lakhani | Creative Joys

Harvard University Capstone Project

Your Baby Is A Miracle


Humble Submission: i submit all of my Educational Films as Sadaqah-e-Jariyah (continuing act of charity) for the upliftment of my father’s soul. May his soul rest in eternal peace. May he be in the loving arms of God. Aameen.


Credits & Citations

Content, Research & Concept By:
UNICEF | For Every Child & The Lego Foundation
Produced & Directed By: Zohra Lakhani
Voice-Over By: Anna Crowe
Background Music & Sound Effects By: MixIt
Sound Design & Animation By: Zohra Lakhani


Gratitude & Many Thanks To

Harvard University
My Beloved Parents (Late Mr. Akbar Ali Lakhani

& Mrs. Malek Lakhani)

My Loving Husband (Nizar)
President Lawrence S. Bacow
Dean Shirley R. Greene
Dr. Hongming Wang
Professor Allyson Sherlock
Professor Jason Wiser
Professor Kerry Foley
Professor Nicholas J. Manley
Professor Ed Hebert
Professor David Heitmeyer

Professor Christina Inge

Professor Adrienne Phelps-Coco

Professor Karina Lin-Murphy

Professor Kenyon M. King

Alexandra Bandow

Mary Godfrey

MT Brackett

Delia Lupu

Shais Khan

Lacey Klingensmith

Nada El-Newahy

Carol Crouch

Anna Crowe

Antonia Diakomopoulou


Your little bundle of joy – your baby is a miracle!

Did you know? Babies’ brains develop in the first 1,000 days at a pace never repeated again. This is why, for every child, early moments matter and their effects can last a lifetime.

Science is clear - life is a story for which the beginning sets the tone. That makes the early years of childhood a time of great opportunity.

To simplify, your baby’s growth can be unfolded by understanding domains of development. Your cute wonder’s 5 domains of development are:

• Physical Development
• Cognitive Development
• Social & Emotional Development
• Language Development
• Spiritual & Moral Development

Physical Development
The physical domain covers the development of physical changes, which includes growing in size and strength, as well as the development of both gross motor skills and fine motor skills. The physical domain also includes the development of the senses and using them.

Fine motor skills help kids perform tasks for daily living, like buttoning buttons, picking up finger foods, using a spoon or fork, pouring milk, going to the restroom, and washing their hands.

You shouldn’t overlook your baby’s need to develop their fine motor skills. From an early age, give them opportunities to use their hands and fingers. Give your baby rattles, plush balls, and other toys to grasp. Later, toys that allow them to pick things up and fit them into slots are good for developing beginning skills.

In addition to these fine motor skills, kids also learn to use their larger muscles, like those in their arms, legs, back, and stomach. Walking, running, throwing, lifting and pulling, are all important skills that are related to body awareness, balance, and strength.

Parents can help their child’s physical development by providing opportunities for age-appropriate activities. For instance, babies need regular tummy time to build their neck and upper body strength, while preschoolers and school-aged children need plenty of opportunities to run around and play.


Cognitive Development
The cognitive domain includes intellectual development and creativity. As they develop cognitively, kids gain the ability to process thoughts, pay attention, develop memories, understand their surroundings, express creativity, as well as to make, implement, and accomplish plans.

You can help your baby develop and hone their cognitive skills by giving them opportunities to play with blocks, puzzles, and board games. You also should create an environment where your child feels comfortable asking questions about the world around them and has plenty of opportunities for free play.

Social & Emotional Development
The social-emotional domain includes a child’s growing understanding and control of their emotions. They also begin to identify what others are feeling, develop the ability to cooperate, show empathy, and use moral reasoning. This domain includes developing attachments to others and learning how to interact with them.

To help your child develop both socially and emotionally, look for opportunities for them to interact with kids their age and help them form relationships with both children and adults. You can arrange play-dates and explore playgroups. Also encourage them to spend time with their grandparents and teachers.

Language Development
Language development includes the ability to communicate with others. It is a source of wonder to watch language emerge in a child.

One of the most important things you can do with your cute bundle of joy throughout their early life is to read to them—and not just at bedtime. In addition to reading, make sure you are talking to your kids even before they can say their first word.

Spiritual & Moral Development
Through spiritual development, children learn to be aware of and comfortable with qualities such as respect, responsibility, and care for self and others. They learn to be capable of acknowledging differences between people without feeling fear.

Developmental Delays
As babies grow and learn, they will pass certain developmental milestones. Extensive milestone checklists are available for each domain of baby’s development on UNICEF’s website. These milestones provide general guidelines that help parents and caregivers gauge whether or not a child is on track.

The exact timing that a child reaches a particular milestone will vary significantly. However, missing one or two milestones can be a cause for concern.

Talk to your child’s pediatrician if you’re worried that your child is not meeting milestones in a particular area. They can evaluate your child and recommend different services if a delay is identified.

For reading and exploring more about your baby’s early education, care and development, please refer to the ‘Works Cited’ section in the video’s description.


Happy parenting!

Works Cited

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